Illustration : What do we know about "Black holes" ?

Black holes are cool

(Welcome to the first post of "Illustrations on black holes" ,which is a series of illustrations which is based upon & Inspired Stephen Hawking's BBC Reith Lectures on Black Holes).
So , what do we really know about Black holes :-
  1. Black holes are formed out of large dying stars which have mass greater than 1.4 times the mass of sun.
  2. Black holes have a point of infinitely large mass density called as "Singularity".
  3. Black holes have a point of no return called as "event horizon" , after which any object cannot return back . No even spherical cows or even light : the fastest known thing in the universe.
  4. Black holes are almost invisible , but we know that they exist as they rip apart unfortunate stars which gets too close.
  5. Almost 2 billion years ago , 2 black holes collided which created "gravitational waves" , which was discovered by LIGO project , which became a much celebrated scientific discovery.
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Illustration by Aashish Loknath Panigrahi (@ aashishium)


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